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"100% Less Powerpoint."

Looking for a fun, unforgettable experience to make your people more confident and effective?

You're here!

We custom-train professionals to be their utmost creative, collaborative and connective selves.


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"Playful, unorthodox, UNBORING!"

We use a wide array of exercises and games to suit a wide variety of personality types, seniority levels, business sectors and group sizes.

With Bizprov's facilitation, and client can get what they want out of it - a tighter team, more innovation, better mutual understanding and respect, ways of dealing with surprises, a shared bonding experience.


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"Real professional development. Real fun. REALLY!"


Bizprov is proud to provide unique and dynamic training to a diverse and growing client list including:

- Columbia Law School

- KC Mayer Consulting

- New York's Palace Hotel

- Herman Miller

- Yale School of Drama

- Citibank



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Bizprov | 575 3rd Street, #3B | Brooklyn, NY 11215